How to Make Your Own Natural Home Cleaners

Chemical cleaners are easy to purchase at any supermarket. However, did you know you might risk your and your family’s health by buying them? Every year, there are many reports of allergic reactions and other complaints due to the ingredients we meet in everyday products. 

If you want to switch to natural, homemade household cleaners, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a collection of easy-to-prepare cleaning alternatives that aren’t caustic or expensive but will still get the job done. Aside from improving your life, natural cleaners will virtually eliminate the foul odours in your home, and they are also inexpensive to make.

Floor solution

In most cases, you can make your household cleaners with ingredients in your kitchen. However, remember that not all homemade cleaning solutions are suitable for all types of floors. However, the recipe here is perfect for all kinds of wooden floors, most tiles, laminate and linoleum.


What you will need is the following:

  • A cup of white distilled vinegar
  • A bucket
  • A mop
  • A gallon of warm water
  • Half a cup of rubbing alcohol (70%)
  • ¼ teaspoon of dish soap


Once you have gathered all the needed ingredients, mix them in the bucket. Next, soak the mop in the solution and wipe your floors. You can add this to a spray bottle and use it for smaller areas whenever needed. 

Multi-purpose cleaner

You can use the following mix to disinfect and freshen the surfaces in your home. That includes the kitchen countertops, the rack in the refrigerator, the microwave and many more. Using this recipe, you can keep your home germ-free by mixing vinegar with baking soda and some anti-microbial essential oils.


What you will need is the following:

  • Two tablespoons of baking soda
  • Half a cup of white vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • A few drops of essential oil – tea tree or eucalyptus
  • Water


Put the half cup of vinegar into the spray bottle. Use a funnel if you need to. Then add the two tablespoons of baking soda. Once the foaming is gone, put a few drops of the essential oil of your choice and fill the rest of the bottle with water. Remember to always shake before use. 

Glass cleaner

Forget the commercial window cleaners that often cannot do the job right. With this solution, you will have streak-free windows and not spend time breathing harmful chemicals. 


What you will need is the following:

  • Half a cup of white vinegar
  • A tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 cups of water
  • Spray bottle
  • Lemon or grapefruit essential oil (optional)


Pour the water and the vinegar into a clean spray bottle. Then add the cornstarch and five drops of the essential oil if you use one. Close the bottle tightly and shake well so the ingredients mix well before use. 

Drain unblock, and cleaner

Have you clogged drainage paths in your home? You don’t have to worry. There’s a green solution for this too. You will only need vinegar and baking soda. 

What you will need:

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 2 cups white vinegar 
  • Boiling water


Pour the cup of baking soda wherever your drain opening is. Then pour in the vinegar.  You know everything is working correctly when you hear the fizzing and see the bubbles. Let it sit for 15 or 30 minutes, pour 8 cups of boiling water down the drain, and clean what’s left.

Rub-and-scrub paste

Do you have a tough time removing stubborn stains from a metal surface? Here’s what you can do when elbow grease isn’t enough.


What you will need:

  • 2 cups baking soda
  • Mild dishwashing liquid (enough to make a paste)

You can apply it directly to any dirty surface that allows rubbing by placing a generous amount of bicarbonate of soda and mild dishwashing cleaner. Otherwise, mix the ingredients in a bowl and take a small amount of the paste. Scrub gently until you reach a satisfactory result. 

Toilet bowl cleaner

Many commercial toilet bowl cleaners at the market are filled with harmful ingredients like bleach. These, however, can cause unpleasant reactions to your family and pets. Fortunately, with the homemade solution below, you will forget any worries about such during cleaning. 


What you will need: 

  • A squirt bottle – large
  • ⅓ cup Castile soap – liquid
  • 2 cups of water
  • Two tablespoons of baking soda
  • Essential oils – eucalyptus, lavender or lemon 


At most home improvement stores, you can find large squirt bottles to purchase. With the help of a funnel, pour 1/3 cup of liquid Castile soap, 2 cups of water, and two tablespoons of baking soda into the bottle. Wait for the foaming to subside, and add five drops of the three essential oils. These all act as disinfectants and fresheners. Next, cap the bottle, and shake it well so the ingredients mix well. Then pour it into the toilet bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub it with a toilet brush.

What are the benefits of natural home cleaners?

In comparison to commercial cleaning products, natural homemade products offer several benefits.

  • Natural homemade cleaning products are healthier for your skin, eyes, and respiratory system than chemicals. They are also safer for your pets and children. In addition, the number of allergic reactions will decrease to none only by using these instead of commercial ones.
  • The use of chemicals in commercial cleaning products can also be harmful to the environment, especially when they are flushed down the drain. Cleaning products made from natural ingredients are typically biodegradable and environmentally friendly. By making your cleaning solutions at home, you will be more ecologically aware and see that most of them dissolve in front of your eyes.
  • The cost of making homemade cleaning products is generally less than that of buying commercial products. This is because many ingredients are already available in your home and are inexpensive. These include vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
  • You can customise the cleaning products to meet your specific needs. For instance, you can add more of a specific ingredient to adjust the strength of the cleaning solution.
  • Making your own homemade cleaning solutions will also save you time and energy. These are easy to do, and as mentioned, you already have the ingredients in your home. 


Turning to the green path is not as complex as it sometimes sounds. You can benefit from a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner home with just a few changes. Of course, remember that homemade cleaning solutions are not magical, and there can be situations when you must use professional cleaning services. However, this should not restrain you from starting your own eco-friendly journey. Try any of the cleaning recipes above and see the difference for yourself.